300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

yoga school in rishikesh

300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh India

As we know that learning is a continous process that never stops. Its like a journey that never comes to an end. There is not a single day when we can say that “now I know it all”. Most of the great masters were as humble as a student throughout their lives. 

Finishing up a 200 hour Yoga TTC course opens up the doors of further possibilities for you as a student as well as a teacher. As you build that strong base of practice and study, you become eager to explore the depths of the yogic sea. To cater this we have brought up the 300 hours yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, the world yoga capital. Whether you are returning student, looking up to nourish your body mind and soul again with the jeevmoksha energy, or you are an aspirant who is looking for a forward path, this course will suffice you in your journey. As you have already spent time with us at Gurukul, you are familiar with the atmosphere, approach and methodology, this 300 hour yttc is going to be a perfect platform to upgrade your skills and knowledge in the tradition. 

A comprehensive routine of study & practice is included in this course. Routine involves intense practices of Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa yoga on the advanced level as well as studying the theoretical subjects in much details and length. It is the next level to 200 hours yoga teacher training and proves a boost in your capabilities of body and mind. 

Hence consider this as a personal invitation to join us once again and refresh those memories you have from your last visit. While being in a new spot, we have recreated the environment where you will feel at home  while kickstarting your yogic journey once again. 

What makes JeevMoksha Yoga different from the rest.

We will take the opportunity of putting our school and tradition above the bar without any sense of ego or boast. Jeevmoksha yoga is not just any yoga school, rather a vision of a Yogi who carries a calling in his heart to share this sacred ancient art of wellbeing with all the humanity. The teachings and courses are crafter in a very perosanalised manner after years of contemplation and they aim to give you a realtime yoga experience. Rishikesh is an ancient land of Rishis and Yogis who spent their lives here while finding the deeper truths of life. And when they realized they yearn on sharing it with the world. Thus this city has been a center of attraction for thousands of people from time unknown. Those who wish to delve into the sacred tradition of Yoga, JeevMoksha is the place to be. 

Right next to the holy river Ganga, our Yoga school in Rishikesh is set away from all the chaotic and touristic crowds, nestled in peace and calm. This setting gives students the perfect getaway to a spiritual home that will host them and take care of their growth on all the planes. JeevMoksha is a family where you become a part of global companionship and community. The ambience of the ashram will definetly make you feel surrounded by divine energy of ganga and mighty Himalayas. 

Best 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Give your self a new opportunity to build upon the foundations of 200 hours yoga teacher training with this 300 hours ytt course.
Are you contemplating on coming back to Rishikesh for yet another Yogic adventure? Sure you must as this is world yoga capital. Opting in for a 300 hours yoga teacher training is always a constructive decision to bring more solidarity in your yoga education. JeevMoksha Yoga Gurukul has the best available resources and faculties to give you that extra edge in your practice and whole new level of experience.
This 300 hour yttc is a specially designed keeping in the mind aspects of Body work, Breath work and Mind work. You will be spending quality yoga time with yourself in a space that is rich in tradition and authentic yoga teachings. The curriculum is intense with 8 to 9 hours of daily practice and studies so as to give students maximum knowledge. The yoga school is situated in the banks of Ganga in Rishikesh and closeby to the mighty Himalayas providing an energetic atmosphere for yoga studies.

What makes this course special?

200 Hour Yoga TTC In Rishikesh

Who is Eligible For This Course?

The 300 hour yoga teacher training course is for those students who aspire to become advanced yoga teachers. If you are seriously considering yoga as a profession, and thinking to continue after your 200 hours yoga teacher training,  this course is perfect way to start on the journey.. 

Our teachers are dedicated to make sure that students gets the maximum out of the course and go back with confidence and skills to teach yoga on a professional level. The course highlights the details of asanas, alighnment, adjustment, benefits, contraindications of yogic practices, sequencing that yields the desired benefits and the methodology. You will get increased hours of not just practice but also teaching live classes. The course is duly recognized by Yoga Alliance USA which gives you the qualification to teach yoga anywhere in the world. 

300 Hour Yoga TTC Upcoming Dates

Date Single Room 2 Sharing Room 4 Sharing Room Book
1st to 28 Oct 2024
1399 USD
1199 USD
999 USD
1st to 28 Nov 2024
1399 USD
1199 USD
999 USD
1st to 29 Dec 2024
1399 USD
1199 USD
999 USD
1st to 28 Jan 2025
1399 USD
1199 USD
999 USD
1st to 28 Feb 2025
1399 USD
1199 USD
999 USD
1st to 28 Mar 2025
1399 USD
1199 USD
999 USD
1st to 29 Apr 2025
1399 USD
1199 USD
999 USD
1st to 28 May 2025
1399 USD
999 USD
1st to 28 Jun 2025
1399 USD
1199 USD
999 USD
1st to 28 Jul 2025
1399 USD
1199 USD
999 USD
Date Single Room 2 Sharing Room 4 Sharing Room Book
1st to 29 March 2024
1499 USD
1199 USD
899 USD
1st to 29 April 2024
1499 USD
1199 USD
899 USD
1st to 29 May 2024
1499 USD
1199 USD
899 USD
1st to 29 June 2024
1499 USD
1199 USD
899 USD
1st to 29 July 2024
1499 USD
1199 USD
899 USD
1st to 29 Aug 2024
1499 USD
1199 USD
899 USD
1st to 29 Sep 2024
1499 USD
1199 USD
899 USD
1st to 29 Oct 2024
1499 USD
1199 USD
899 USD
1st to 29 Nov 2024
1499 USD
1199 USD
899 USD
1st to 29 Dec 2024
1499 USD
1199 USD
899 USD
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Why jeevmoksha Yoga School

Jeevmoksha yoga gurukul is a premier institute of yoga in Rishikesh. Located in Himalayan foothills of Shivalik range, Jeevmoksha is a serene and calm study point where students can indulge into a spiritual affair with themselves taking out time from the pace of modern life and taking time to look deep within themselves. The surroundings are rich in nature with lots of green providing enough oxygen to cater the needs of body and enough Pran to fulfill the requirements of energy. Jeevmoksha works along the lines of traditional yoga while also paying equal attention to the contemporary lifestyles and conditions. Our yoga classes are a fine blend of physical, energetic and mental techniques to carve out a complete set of practice for a being as a whole. Gurukul offers intensive yoga teacher training courses thereby enabling students to draw their own scales of self practice and development. Gurukul operates in an ashram environment which includes a dedicated space for yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh itself and giving a wide range of knowledge on ancient systems of self healing and well being. Yoga, Ayurveda, Nature cure and other systems of actual health are combined together in our education programs so as to enable more and more people to understand them and share them in their own communities. This virtue makes Jeevmoksha a unique spot for the study of Yoga in India.

300 Hour Yoga TTC Syllabus

The syllabus of course has been designed to achieve the above mentioned objectives in complete curriculum.

Course is divided into 4 modules for 4 weeks and each module will be complementary to its successor.

The approach of study is from beginners to advanced level. Starting with the elementary practices, the course will cover the advanced levels towards the last modules.

Students will be given exposure to the yogic discipline in a conducive and positive attitude so as to prevent any misconceptions or impressions to be formed.

Asanas are taught with two different approaches. The static approach of Hatha yoga and the dynamic approach of Vinyasa. Following asanas will be taught during the 500 hours ytt course.

  • Utthita Parsvakonasana (variations)
  • Utthita Trikonasana (variations)
  • Ardha Chandrasana
  • Parivrita Parshvakonasana (Poorna)
  • Parivrita Trikonasana (poorna)
  • Virabhadrasana 3
  • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (variations)
  • Paripurna Navasana 
  • Vasisthasana (variations)
  • Salabhasana 3
  • Poorna Bhunjangasana
  • Poorna Dhanurasana
  • Raj Kapotasana
  • Poorna Chakrasana(variations)
  • Niralamba Sarvangasana (unsupported)
  • Sirsasana (variations)
  • Poorna Matsyendrasana
  • Marichyasana 2 & 3
  • Paschimottanasana (variations)
  • Tiriang Mukha Eka Pada Padchimotanasana
  • Krounchasana
  • Padmasana (poorna)
  • Siddhasana
  • Natrajasana
  • Vatayanasana
  • Bhadrasana
  • Bhardwajasana (1&2)
  • Parivritta Janu Shirasana
  • Koormasana
  • Tittabhasana
  • Bakasana
  • Ek pad Bakasana
  • Garbhpindasana
  • Lolasana
  • Vishwamitrasana
  • Vrishchikasana
  • Adho vrksasana
  • Hanumanasana
  • Kandharasana

(Note: performance and practice of asanas, to a lot of extent, depends on individual capabilities and conditions. Although we teach most of the above mentioned asanas, the students have to keep in mind that a month is not enough time to perform the asanas completely.)




Concepts and practices of Pranayama including different breathing excercises (Shwas kiryas mentioned in Hatha yoga & kumbhak (breath retention) with indications and contraindications. Technique, teaching, method, application, contraindication and benefits of:

  • Bhastrika (advanced practise)
  • Bhramari (with kumbhak)
  • Nadi Shodhan (with antar kumbhak)
  • Sheetali, Seetkari,
  • Tribandh Pranayama
  • Pran Dharana

Technique, teaching, method, application, contraindication and benefits of:

  • Neti (Nasal cleansing)
  • Kunjal Kriya (abdominal cleansing),
  • Tratak (Psychic purification)
  • Agnisar kriya
  • Kapalbhati 
  • Danda dhauti 
  • Shankha prakshalana (master cleansing)



Technique, teaching, method, application, contraindication and benefits of:

  • Mool bandha,
  • Uddiyan Bandha,
  • Jalandhar Bandha,
  • Maha Bandha.

Technique, teaching, method, application, contraindication and benefits of:

  • Gyaan mudra
  • Chin mudra
  • Kaaki mudra
  • Shambhavi mudra
  • Yoga Nidra.
  • Antar Mouna (inner silence).
  • Breathing awareness meditation.
  • Chakra meditation.
  • Kundalini meditation.
  • Naad meditation 


  • Nervous system and yogic effects on brain & nerves 
  • Skeletal system and structural impacts of yoga practices 
  • Muscular system and yogic internvention in muscular imbalances of posture and movement. Reflexes and conscious actions of muscles; balancing the flexions and extensions. 
  • Digestive system and role of diet in keeping us healthy. How yoga restores gut health. 
  • Respiratory system. Role of breathing in physical and mental wellbeing. Yogic effects of breathing. Breathe and Prana correlation. 
  • Cardiovascular system and heart care with yoga.
  • Endocrine system. Role of stress in hormonal imbalances and how yoga can restore this fine balance. 
    • Introduction, Origin and History of Yoga
    • Philosophy of Yoga: Principles of Purification, Relaxation and Harmonization.
    • Panch Koshas: The five sheaths of existence
    • Annamaya kosha and the organs of actions
    • Pranmaya Kosha and Pranic classification; Shat chakra samanvaya (six vortices of energy), Nadis (circuitary of pran), Kundalini (the store house of universal potential), Granthis (complexes).
    • Manomaya Kosha and organs of senses.
    • Vigyaan maya kosha and the subconscious states; Samskaar and Birth.
    • Anandamaya kosha and the supra consciousness; the states of Samadhi and pure awareness.
    • Yoga as an Evolutionary Science.
    • Consciousness and Yoga
    • Elements of Universe: The process of evolution according to Samkhya Darshan
    • Raj Yoga (Yogic psychology)
    • Antahkaran (the mind stuff)
    • Chitta and its patterns (vrritis)
    • Gunas; Prakash, Kriya, Sthiti (characteristics of mind)
    • Prakriti and Purusha (the observer and observed)
    • 3 states of Mind. 
    • 5 types of Minds. 
    • Obstacles of yoga 
    • How to remove obstacles 
    • Kleshas; the seeds of suffering 
    • Types of Samadhi
    • Controlling the mind with Ashtanga Yoga: Eight stages of self balancing and realization
    1. Yama: Social codes of conduct
    2. Niyama: Moral codes of conduct
    3. Asana: Posture
    4. Pranayama: Breath control
    5. Pratyahar: Sensory withdrawl and relexation of mind.
    6. Dharna: Channelising the mind and gaining stability
    7. Dhyaan: Meditation
    8. Samaadhi: Attainment of Ananda.

Innate nature of individuals and classification of Yoga

  • Karma yoga 
  • Bhakti yoga
  • Gyaan yoga
  • Raj yoga



  1. Principles of Ayurveda, (Dhatus & Doshas)
  2. Ayurvedic body types,
  3. Swasthvritta (the circle of health)
  1. Learning Constructive and effective skills on how to conduct a class, time management, etc
  2. Qualities of a yoga teacher and ethical guidelines
  3. Suitable Environment for yoga practices
  4. Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting, correcting and style of teaching a class
  5. Teacher manuals for explanation of principles, methods, advantages of methods
  6. Students’ process of learning and adaptation
  • Mantra meaning 
  • Sacred syllables 
  • Chanting why & how 
  • Types of chants 
  • Effects of mantra on brain 
  • Types of mantras 

Excursions on this Course

Students will be enjoying certain extra curricular activities during the 200 hours yttc in rishikesh. These activities are provided to introduce them to the places of historical and spiritual importance so that their yoga experience can become more profound while being in Rishikesh. Also after long hours of intense practise and studying these trips will bring the fresh wave of mental and emotional nourishment. They enjoy the company of each other and being in a spiritual commune with each other. They will be accompanied by a Mentor who will guide them through the places and give the insights into local culture. 

Kunjapuri Temple

Situated at an elevation of 1650 mts. Kunjapuri temple is a holy shrine for Devi Kunjapuri. Its one of the Shakti peetha or the energy spots of Mother Shakti. The temple houses Adi Shakti, the creator of the universe as per the Hindu believes, where she is worshipped by devotees every day. The temple is situated on the top of the Himalayan hill nearby the town of Narendranagar which was the winter capital of the Maharaja of Tehri in pre independence India.

The Kunjapuri temple offers a mesmerizing view of Sun rise every morning from behind the high altitude peaks of upper Himalayas. You can clearly see the snow capped high altitude peaks shining in a golden light from standing on the porch of the temple. It’s a scared site for people from all over the world and visited by thousands every year with their offerings and seeking the blessings of mother.

Vasishtha Cave 

Its an ancient cave in the outskirts of Rishikesh approx 25 kms from the town. Located on the banks of Ganga, in the heart of himalayas, there are two caves named after legendary Vasishtha Rishi and his wife Arundhati. Its told in the legend that the couple stayed here for many years and performed intense sadhanas of Yoga thereby attaining knowledge and wisdom. Since then it has been a powerful spot for all the spiritual seekers from around the world who come here to experience the silence and energy. 

Veerbhadra Temple 

JeevMoksha Yoga Gurukul is located in the vicinity of several historical and cultural places of importance. One of them is Veerbhadra temple. Veerbhadra is the name for one of the incarnations of Shiva who was a fierce warrior. As the legend say, Veerbhadra was conceived from the Matlocks of Shiva when the latter was enraged on her wives sudden suicide due to some family confiicts. Shiva became enraged on this and called upon Veerbhadra to avenge the death of Sati the wife. Since then Veerbhadra is regarded as one of the deities associated with various forms of Shiva’s existence. 

The Veerbhadra temple in Rishikesh, is situated on the banks of Ganga and is approx 2000 years old as per the recent archeological findings. Its an important heritage site where several archeological excavations were found which were dated to be around 2000 years old. The temple has the main Shivalingam as the ruling diety and every day people pay their visit to the temple to seek the blessings of Shiva. Its an experience of peace and calmness just sitting inside the temple. Worth visiting once when you are in Rishikesh. 

 White water Rafting 
Sailing on the mighty tides of Ganga river can be a thrilling experience for many who wish to experience the flow and current of this eternal river. Rafting in rishikesh is a popular adventure sport and people from all across come to enjoy it. It can be a refreshing experience after all the hard work on the course. However this activity is limited to only few months a year when the water is less and river is not on flood. The season for rafting starts around october and lasts till June after which this is closed. So those students who join between June and October will not be able to have it as a part of the curriculum. 



What is included in the course fee?

Not included in course fees

Daily Schedule

Time Activity
05:30 am
Good morning
06:00 am
Vinyasa yoga
07:45 am
Pranayam & Kriya
09:00 am
10:15 am
Yoga philosophy
11:30 am
Bio Mechanics/ Alignment & Adjustment
01:00 pm
03:00 pm
Yoga Anatomy
04:15 pm
Hatha Yoga / Iyengar yoga
06:00 pm
Yoga Nidra/Music/meditation
07:15 pm
10:00 pm
Lights out
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Food & Accomodation

The options of shared or private accommodation is available at the Gurukul. Rooms are clean, pure, ventilated and with a scintillating view of Mother Ganga. Wifi is readily available all over the property. You have all the basic amenities available on campus. Fresh water dispensers, laundry machine, room closets.

Rooms are non a/c. there is no provision for air conditioning at the Gurukul.

Meals at Gurukul

Meals served are sattvic and purely vegetarian. There is a combination of vegetables, lentils, grams, salads, rice, chapattis, sprouts, fresh fruits, porridges juices and smoothies. The individual food choices are also kept in consideration when it comes to gluten free and vegan options. But please make sure you inform about your preferences and allergies in advance for us to make the necessary arrangements in time. 

300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Ethics And Behavioral Guidelines

Refund Policy

The fee once paid including the registration deposit, is non refundable. However the amount paid can be adjusted to any further date within one year from the date of enrollment, under the circumstances of student not being able to appear for the course enrolled. The information has to be provided to the institute administration beforehand and decision lies solely with Jeevmoksha administration towards transferring the fee to a further date, after careful consideration of the applicant’s reason for not attending the course.

Our Gurus

Yoga Teachers